Saturday, August 30, 2008

End of an Era

We are marking the end of an era here. We are now a crib-less household. This morning, Vito converted Sophie's crib into a daybed and we have taken the first of many steps away from having a baby in the house.

With Morgan in preschool, we had been taking the opportunity to introduce the freedom of a "big-girl bed" to Sophie during naptime. The first couple of days, she would be out of the bed like a shot and we'd immediately pick her up and put her in the crib. The next couple of days, she became a little more stealthy but ended up back in her crib. Finally, she slept two naps in Morgan's bed and we decided that, with the long weekend upon us, it was time to make the transition.

As you can see... so far, so good. Sophie climbed into the bed and practically put herself to sleep. Of course, we've yet to try and put them down at the same time. That will be a whole new adventure tonight.

Next, I imagine will be to rid ourselves of the pacifier (or "fuss" as Sophie appropriately calls it). Then, potty-training (which Sophie is more than ready for but Mommy is not). All of these little steps, while exciting, are a little sad. It seems like Sophie's babyhood has passed so much more quickly than Morgan's. It brings to mind the lyrics of one of my favorite songs as sung on by Liz Callaway on her album, "The Story Goes On"(It's originally from the musical "Big")

Two months old, he looks up at you
How his smile melts your heart
You want to say, "Stop, time"
Don't move on
Even as you watch that look is gone
Then he's two, such a little man
So alive and so smart
Again you say, "Stop, time"
Stay just this way
But the future comes and he can't stay
Nobody warns you of this parent's paradox
You want your kid to change and grow
But when he does, another child you've just begun to know
Leaves forever
Birthdays fly - 7, 8, 9, 10
Every kid he becomes you clutch and say "Stop, time"
Hold this one fast
But it's not supposed to last
And that time has come and passed
For he's growing
And he has to go

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Webkinz Mania!

I like to consider myself a trend setter rather than a trend follower but one thing that has passed my family by until recently is Webkinz. Morgan and Sophie were just a little too young when they first came out and, as time went on, I didn't feel the need to introduce them. (Frankly, I get little enough time to work on the computer as it is without someone else waiting in the wings!)

Well, the other day, Vito brought home two Lil'Kinz... a cat and a dog. Someone had left them at the park and, after a few months in the lost and found, they needed a good home. Morgan chose the cat and gave the dog to Sophie.

When asked what she wanted to name the cat, Morgan replied "Nothin'" which turned into Nuffin. Sophie's favorite turn of phrase at the moment is "Wha' Happen'?" and thus the dog had a name.

After a day or so, we logged into the Webkinz site and an obsession was born. Some of it is too complicated for Morgan to do by herself but she loves to play some of the games, make her pets move around their rooms and interact with their stuff, and take her pets to see the vet, Dr Quack.

I've begun logging on while Morgan is at school and adding a few surprises for her to find when she logs in provided that she is quiet during nap time!

So, if any of you out there are part of the Webkinz world, send a note to SoMoGio's pets Nuffin and Happen!