A few weeks back, I posted a Friday Free for All about a Kids Eat Free deal at iHop. Well, I'm here today to show you the motherload of all free dining deals...
The website is a collection of listings of child-friendly places and activities in the Chicagoland area but the highlight of the website is their Kids Eat Free calendar. Simply click on a date on the calendar and a listing of area restaurants that offer free or greatly reduced children's meals on that particular date. No longer planning nights out around the deals, now, you can choose the deal for your night out!
I'd suggest you call the restaurant ahead of time to make sure that the deal is still valid and then go out and ENJOY!
Now, readers, I'd like to apologize for being absent for the past couple of days. We've had some changes at my job and that, combined with a bit of a cold, has thrown my schedule for a loop. So, as a way to pay you back for your patience, I've lined up some crafty posts for next week. Be sure to check back and find out what fun I have in store for you!